5% discount on your 1st order. Week is almost here - the perfect opportunity to save on your upcoming move! Don't wait; book your move and enjoy our exclusive discounts.

5% discount on your 1st order. Week is almost here - the perfect opportunity to save on your upcoming move! Don't wait; book your move and enjoy our exclusive discounts.

What To Expect on Moving Day

family on moving day, carrying boxes

What to do Before the Movers Arrive 

Make a checklist of everything that needs to get done

This will include each box that needs to be loaded and where it goes. Make sure you give one to the movers as well.

Check each room carefully to make sure everything has been packed and labeled properly for the move.

Before the movers arrive, go through each room one more time. 

Painters tape is a great tool to communicate with movers.

TNI movers will label your furniture with the room they picked it up from. If you would like them to unload on a different room in the new house, you can use painters tape to write down the unload location. Painter’s tape is soft on your furniture. 

Set aside and label anything that will not go on the moving truck 

Pack the essential items you’ll need the first night at your new house 

Packing an overnight bag for everyone in your house ensures you have all your necessary items without having to unpack any extra boxes. This bag should include: toiletries, a change of clothes, chargers for electronics and any prescriptions you may need. 


Safely secure all jewelry, valuables, important documents, etc and decide if you want to transport these items yourself or not. 

Many people feel more comfortable transporting these things themselves so they know where they are at all times. 


Make sure there is a clear pathway for movers to  safely maneuver through your home.

It is essential the movers have a clear pathway to the door at all times to help prevent any injuries. 


If you have pets make sure they’re secured in one area of your home or being watched by someone else.

Pets and moving don’t mix well! If you can’t find someone to watch them, keep them put away in one area of the house so they don’t get in the way. 


Take pictures of everything in case of any damages. 

If you have any items you’re worried about being damaged, take pictures before the movers arrive.  


 Make sure there is plenty of space of movers to park their truck or van. 

The movers need a place to park their truck especially if it’s a big box truck. If there is not room in your driveway, make sure there is a parking space or street parking blocked off for them.


Verify with the moving company how they wish to be paid. 

Most movers take either cash or credit, but it is good to verify before they arrive in case anything has changed. 


Make sure you have plenty of water for yourself and the movers. 

You’re most likely to get hot and sweaty during your move and your movers will always appreciate a cold drink!


Make sure to reconfirm your job details 1 or 2 days before the move.

TNI calls the customer 1 or 2 days ahead of the move (on Friday if your move is 

on monday). The goal is to make sure nothing has changed from the estimate, 

double check addresses, date and time of arrival. This is especially important if 

you’re moving long distances.

Even if nothing has changed, it is an important step. If you miss this call, please 

call the office back.




Moving Day Checklist: What to do After the Movers Arrive


Review paperwork and moving agreement with crew Lead. (You can also take this time to go over the checklist you made of everything that needs to be moved)

Reviewing the papers will make sure you know what you’re getting. Be sure to ask about how many hours we have estimated for this job, and that you understand how we are billing you. Remember, we will only charge you for the actual labor you receive. 


Be prepared to select an Addendum Valuation

Your Moving coordinator has sent you information about your protection ahead of time. Make sure you have read it and understand it. Remember a valuation addendum is not an insurance, but a protection offered by the carrier while your items are on transit. Some insurance companies offer coverage for moves, but make sure they clearly state “in transit” insurance.


Make sure each box is labeled properly before it goes into the truck.

If each box is labeled with what it is and what room it’s going to your move will go much smoother.


 Make sure to empty your drawers, armoires, and desks.
Having items inside your drawers can damage your property and makes it
          difficult to load in the truck. You can pack the items in boxes, and for your
          hanging clothes you can request some wardrobe boxes. 

Be available for any questions while moving. Have someone at the new house to answer questions as well.

Keeping someone you trust at both locations will help you to coordinate the placement of the items.


Let them movers do what they are trained to do! 

Your movers are professionally trained, they’ve done this many times before. Try to stay out of the way and let them work, unless they have any questions. 


Do a final sweep. 

Once the last box has been loaded, go through your home one final time. Make sure you check attics and basements too!