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Organizing the Garage When You Move into the New Place

family moving into a garage, article cover graphic

Now that you are moving into a new place, you are determined to keep the garage clean and organized from the moment you arrive. Of course, you might be a bit out of practice and need a few tips to help point you in the right direction. Below are some tips to get started.

Get Rid of What You Don’t Need

If you would like to make it nice and easy to get everything organized in your new garage, the best thing you can do is get rid of what you don’t need. There is a good chance that you have quite a few items in the garage right now that do not need to come along with you for the move. Go through the garage and sort out items that are broken and that you have not used in a while. The broken items can be recycled or tossed out, and items that you do not use could be donated or sold.

By getting rid of these items in the garage, you will be able to literally lighten your load when you move. You will need less space to move, and you will not have to figure out where to put as much stuff in the new garage.

Determine How You Want to Use the New Garage

You should also take some time to determine just how you would like to use the new garage. Are you going to use it solely for storing your vehicles? Will you be using some or all of the space as a workshop or an area where you can do your hobbies? Are you going to use it as a storage area? Regardless of how you want to use it, make sure that you have a plan.

You should also make sure that you know the size and layout of your new garage. This will make it easier for you when you are moving into the new place, as you will know how you want to set things up. It will also give you a much better idea of whether you will have the space available that you need for your intentions with the garage. It will also let you know if your ideas are bigger than your space, meaning you might need to continue downsizing and getting rid of things you do not need.

Make Good Use of Space

Even if you have a garage that is on the small side, you may still have more space than you realize. Many people are only looking at the floor space that is available. However, you have vertical space and space on the walls, as well. When you use vertical space, you can store a lot of items in the garage while taking up less floor space. You would stack boxes to do this, but it is often better to get shelves and garage organizers, as they tend to be sturdier and will allow you to access what you need easily.

If you decide to add cabinets to the garage, or if you have plastic bins for the garage, it is a good idea to label them. This will make it easier for you when you are looking for something, as you will not have to search through as many areas. It’s just a little added organizational tip that can help.

Create Zones in the Garage

If you are going to be doing more in the garage than just storing your vehicles, you need to be sure that you are keeping everything organized and in order. A good way to do this is by creating zones. This simply means having different areas of the garage designated for different things. You will have one area of the garage dedicated to your gardening tools and power tools. Another will be dedicated to supplies you use for your car. Another could be dedicated to sports equipment. If you are using the garage as a hobby space for sewing, writing, or anything else, you will also want to keep the area organized and segmented in this manner. It really will make things much easier when it comes to keeping clean and organized.

Keep It Organized for the Long Haul

Speaking of keeping organized, it is not something that you can do once and then forget about it. Organization is a constant struggle of getting into the habit of putting things back in the order where they belong. If you don’t, though, you will find that it gets out of order fast. If you are vigilant, though, it will end up becoming second nature within a week or two.